Mental Performance Consulting
Mental performance consulting is tailored to the individual athlete and focuses on enhancing performance through a range of mental skills.
Topics can include:
Emotion Management
Energy Regulation
Focus and Concentration
Performance Anxiety
Performance Routines

Athlete Mental Health
Mental health is a crucial component of athletic performance. That's why I offer support and guidance to athletes who may be struggling with mental health challenges.
Topics can include:
Relationship Challenges
Athletic Identity
Transition out of sport
Stress Management
I offer workshops and outreach presentations covering a variety of sport psychology topics. These can include team building, improving communication, performance enhancement strategies, or an introduction to the field of sport psychology. Presentations are common for teams and classes and are individually tailored to each population and setting.

Mentorship is an essential component to professionals working toward the Certified Mental Performance Consultant certification through the Association of Applied Sport Psychology. Mentorship experiences are tailored to match development level and fit each individual's needs.